Applications and Videos available for download

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From the menu you have an option to Save/Download the application.


World Tides and Currents

Do you need to know the tides and currents when cruising the world? Well if you need to go through the Hells gate on the East River entering New York Manhattan from Long Island - I suggest you must have one!


Visual Planner
Want to know when is the best time to cross the oceans with prevailing winds and current? Well then try this little package...
Download setup.EXE

Find out about the stars.A great passtime for night shifts!
Download Stellarium.rar

Electrical Wiring Sizing Calc

Calculator to help you size the wiring is always useful to have handy on your laptop.


Puekert Calculator

Something I really needed in order to properly configure Battery monitor. We bought Victron BMV-501 and worked us wonders to determine the state of charge of our batteries. Without this calculator the whole exercise becomes a guessing game rather then exact science.

Download PeukertCalculator.exe

Anchor Rode Calculator
We used this calculator to size our chain and rope anchor rode. Good stuf taken from Alain's web site (see Links page)

Weather Fax
Do you need weather fax? JVComm does the trick - over the HF (SSB) radio either via microphone or via Pactor modem. Easy!
Download instjv140pre.exe

Laptop Phone Software VoipStunt

Voice Over Internet Protocol –  everyone needs it! ! How about calling us on USA Mobile phone free of charge from Australia, Italy and other 36 countries in the world? And the VoipStunt is cheaper than Skype!

One peace of warning however - YOU MUST VERIFY your account registration via MOBILE phone to allow for SMSing the code to you. Do not put any credit onto the account without confirming your registration first.


Download setupvoipstunt.exe

UnitOfMeasure Calc

The very best thing when cruising the world is to be able to interpret measures - weight, distance etc so not to order an Elephant’s boots for yourself or even worse for your boat. I’ve got it years ago from my friend Stef and since then have installed and re-installed it on all of my subsequent PCs and laptops.


Works wonders for me.

Download Convert.exe

All About Chocolate
Are you addicted to Chocolate? How about 100% chocolate? Well, for that you need to sail to Panama, Bocas Dell Torro chocolate plantation. In the meantime, try some of the chocolate recipes ...
Download Chocolate_Cerruti.pdf

Dolphins at Ednbal bow video

The Dolphins provided major entertainment in Dec, 06 on our three days offshore trip from Cape Fear to Cape Caneveral. I could not find any other way of showing this small video clip, but to provide the download of the file to the audience. Here it is below

Download DSCI0009.AVI